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oddletters boosted
oddletters boosted

happy twin peaks day to all who celebrate πŸ”₯ πŸ©β˜• πŸ—» 🌲 πŸ¦‰

does anyone know off the top of their head when youtube raised the upload limit to twelve hours?

...i'm just going to keep calling it the "recommendations gutter" i think

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what is the technical term for the sidebar "recommendations gutter" on the youtube interface?

saw an email on an academic research list asking for "ways to infer location for non-geotagged tweets" and my first loud thought was "or you could just leave people the fuck alone"

i lifted 200 pounds off the ground and put them down again!! several times!!!

hi hey and faculty folks: what are your expectations for the publication/conference records for pre-candidacy doctoral students?

i would like to talk to someone at YouTube about ContentID for a research paper. does anyone here have any contacts there?

today's one of those "well that's better than a swift kick in the teeth" days

new idea: we make a collected volume entirely made up of essays with the title "generative adversarial networks and the art of kissing" who's in

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ChatGPT thinks i wrote an essay called "Generative Adversarial Networks and the Art of Kissing," if anyone is looking for an title in search of an article

why is this pdf not printing
can i push the big office printer into the sea

if you recall like six library books, and the same person has all of them, i think you should be able to meet in person so you can either get married or fight to the death

today i deadlifted 195 pounds and also recieved my copy of Malcolm Harris's PALO ALTO, so overall a good day!

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.