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mildly addicted to something called 'colorball champions' from indonesia. cannot get a handle on these times.

food pic 

@tripofmice I wanted to just say “yum!” but that would’ve been pure speculation this week in sentences: sheep, the future, the citadel, single standing spray, vagaries of various, least weird guy, cat phonology, hog blood day, $200 million TV shows


@ingrid also there was Jamelle Bouie floating Joe Manchin as a possible vice president on tiktok.

i mean this in the sense that my thoughts and emotions are globular, ill-defined, sticky, messy and prone to hardening on objects

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Back to school season means I have to pay some ridiculous fees to my grad program and money's tight so a gentle reminder I sell beautiful plotter drawings and they make nice gifts

Sauce tureen shaped like an Asiatic dormouse
Made in Jingdezhen, China; about 1745
Spotted at the “Outside In: Nature-inspired Design at Winterthur”

@ingrid congratulations! and love and healing vibes for kitty's diarrhea!

@jomc if this is beneficial to patients, why aren't they just doing this without the surcharge?

Thinking back to the week of my birthday, when I left my apartment three separate days to interact with friends. Those were heady times this week in sentences: fundamentally weird, whole cities, ineffable, pommel horse, melancholy, assessed the scene

Been hoping for a good thunderstorm and seems like maybe we got one. Sorry to all critters that don’t love loud weather.

Mr G. L. Fox's original and entirely new pantomime "Humpty Dumpty" opened Monday March 9th, 1868 at the Olympic Theater on Broadway and ran for 483 performances.

what Apple thought I wanted to say instead of “sounds good” 

@tripofmice my sister mentioned her friends Kathy and Glen in a text but her iphone transcribed it as “very and shoes” 😳 now I can never be fully happy because I don’t have a pair of friends named very and shoes.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.