@stephenjudkins On the north side of the street, right? Just east of that downhill slope toward the river. Can’t think what street it would have been on, though.
I had these vegan shrimp from a crustpunk grocery popup near Ladd’s Division in like 2004 that still jump-scare me out of my own memory sometimes.
Extremely appreciated @kissane’s piece on Mastodon and Bluesky, but honestly everything past the first paragraph was a bit of a haze through some intense sense-memories from 1995: https://erinkissane.com/blue-skies-over-mastodon
@clayote @ingrid @cstross As far as a totally explicit articulation, this predates the one I always think of, @sparks’s: https://quietbabylon.com/2013/the-singularity-already-happened-we-got-corporations/
@glennf Just camping out in the replies here to make friends with other people affronted by “sound fairly boring”.
@BartWronski I think it’s wide-radius unsharp masking, which I understand was somewhat common as a kind of automatic dodge and burn in this era.
Wise words from the introduction & conclusion to my dad's #training material when he was learning to be a #software #developer in the early 1980s.
My sleep was disturbed by dreams of a TV show about long-duration astronauts. The writers couldn’t stick to a tone, so sometimes it was “What We Do in the Shadows” but about intense, mentally tough pilots in a tiny shared space; other times, they were doing Sorkinesque float-and-talks and making Important Arguments. I would rather have dreamed about falling off a roof again.
I’m not a Mastodon partisan, but I do have a pretty strong preference for not providing free #content for a commercial venture unless I know exactly what the deal is. https://mastodon.online/@mastodonmigration/110273442030673147
Just for my own sick amusement, here’s what happens if you white-balance off a cloud near totality and crop: https://xoc.s3.amazonaws.com/also/gk2a-2023-04-20-0400-crop.jpeg
To my great though trivial annoyance, their processing pipeline cuts off the limb. It does look great, though, as expected. This is from the 4/20 eclipse, which @dscovr_epic also got an excellent frame of. Link to a 30 megabyte 1 km/pixel version: https://xoc.s3.amazonaws.com/also/gk2a-2023-04-20-0400.jpeg
@burritojustice Posting my CSV on LinkedIn, etc.
– Interesting people’s favorites. Flickr was amazing for this.
– Looking up new things I learn. Someone uses a weird phrase: who else uses that phrase? Or quotes, or facts.
– Google Alerts for intriguing things with low news volumes.
– Imagining things that might exist and searching for them. Even if they don’t, something else interesting often pops up.
– Any time I see a stranger make a point that stops me and makes me think, I check out their profile and follow links.
@sgillies Oh, they can be stored as complex numbers! Wait, I know, what if everything’s quaternions?
Someone’s going to be like “Ah, but this is more theoretically pure, because—” Oh, all right, hot shot, it is theoretically pure to use -100000000000000 to mean undefined? Is that what a physicist would do? No, please, let us know.
Next time I write a CV it’s going to have a line like “I relish learning new datasets and working to make sense of them” but it’s going to be a lie because here we see longitude stored in radians:
Very happy to see GK-2A* data posted for free as open data – I’ve been wanting to get my mitts on this for ages. I burnt out on the green band stuff I was working on but perhaps it’s time to restart.
* The South Korean member of the GOES-R and Himawari-8/9 family of geostationary weather satellites.
You know him on the internet. Eucalypt-adjacent; very occasional writer. Consulting and passively looking for work in geospatial, image processing, and related fields.