@marcpfister Office? Submarine! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0al0xeCVCMk
@sparks I’m not sure either!
@patricio The part of this that I understand, I like.
@hannah [To someone I’ve been talking to about the cool exposed wood ceiling of the wedding venue we’re at:] So what boats are you on?
@caseyg [gesturing dismissively] put something on my calendar
@caseyg okay fine
@patricio Cool stuff, right?!
@aworkinglibrary if explaining and preparing for things were doing things i would get so much done
Huh. Just had a wild, cascading run of great ideas for a work project I finished like 7 years ago.
Weekend project: tinkering with cloud removal from Landsat stacks. Here the top two images are inputs and the bottom is output from them alone.
It’s strictly pixelwise and n→1 (deep set–style), so it scales to any stack depth. Notice it fills the nodata with the training set average color, and the cloud overlap with a sort of polite fog.
@jes5199 Suddenly dizzyingly homesick.
@sgillies Do I have to go back and listen from the beginning?
You know him on the internet. Eucalypt-adjacent; very occasional writer. Consulting and passively looking for work in geospatial, image processing, and related fields.