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Roughly what are the odds that recognizable signs of extraterrestrial life are within our present technological and conceptual reach and we just haven’t noticed yet?

Roughly what are the odds that recognizable signs of extraterrestrial life are within our present technological and conceptual reach and we just haven’t noticed yet?

18:13 on Wednesday October 2nd, over the South Pacific Ocean

@hannah [To someone I’ve been talking to about the cool exposed wood ceiling of the wedding venue we’re at:] So what boats are you on?

@caseyg [gesturing dismissively] put something on my calendar

@aworkinglibrary if explaining and preparing for things were doing things i would get so much done

Huh. Just had a wild, cascading run of great ideas for a work project I finished like 7 years ago.

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Weekend project: tinkering with cloud removal from Landsat stacks. Here the top two images are inputs and the bottom is output from them alone.

It’s strictly pixelwise and n→1 (deep set–style), so it scales to any stack depth. Notice it fills the nodata with the training set average color, and the cloud overlap with a sort of polite fog.

Sentinel-1 radar of Helene last night – 23:37 UTC, 19:45 EDT. The swath is about 250 km (150 mi) wide.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.