Got that feeling I got when I saw the video of the first trucks full of covid vaccine heading for the highway.
so thrilled to share my latest opinion piece on why the New York Times’ coverage of #trans people is awful!! here’s a gift link:
this toot is a message
and part of a system of messages
many of which federation and your client will prevent you from receiving
nothing valued is here
@kissane @ted @meetar @dansinker Muting this thread without looking at the rest of it.
@tim You’ve gone and reinvented actual clouds, Tim.
@natevw They rolled out a replacement for Euclidean distance and it’s about 0.661. Makes a lot of things easier.
@migurski Yeah. Try “Revolutions” from the beginning, and if it doesn’t take, try an episode from somewhere in the middle. And if that doesn’t take, never mind.
@migurski Have you tried Mike Duncan’s podcasts?
@migurski Yeah, I have a recommendation: GET A JOB, HIPPIE!
@ingrid Lucky lunar module (LLM).
@ingrid Limited liability mumpany (LLM).
LLMs don’t actually know English grammar, they just abstract patterns from many examples of utterances in English. You and I, of course, humans, with a conscious mind that we can see and understand via the simple expedient of naïve empiricism, we simply read that book that fully enumerates the rules of English grammar (you remember? the book?) when we were infants. QED.
There are a lot of people who think they are making really impressive critiques of LLMs when they are doing the equivalent of saying “Dogs can’t eat chocolate because truly experiencing chocolate requires a spark of the divine, and as as we all know, dogs do not have souls. So don’t feed dogs chocolate.”
You have arrived at the correct conclusion that maximalist claims about LLMs are very wrong. But you did it with reasoning worse than the LLMs can do.
If I were a journalist covering the balloons, I would be talking to Ben. He seems to be finding them in open data, which provides some actual facts in a story that’s very short on them.
You know him on the internet. Eucalypt-adjacent; very occasional writer. Consulting and passively looking for work in geospatial, image processing, and related fields.