this week in sentences: 300mg, physical collapse, space rock, frosting, tooth waiting, mauport, laundry detergent, comedy, smooth silver-gray, to be bombarded, made out of crabs, innovations, to be a beast, que sí
@courtney from what i'm seeing it's probably a flash-forward so yeah, by now he's a one eyed creep this week in sentences: not very bright, orgy of grievances, always reflexive, mecha, lack of seriousness, sad lioness, cloacal superpowers, élan, other research, classically damp
bitching about data & society
@janet I was a little surprised how much it upset me tbh! But I also feel mostly like I've processed it.
bitching about data & society
I did get a very sincere apology from this friend after I reached out and it helped so there's that
@dansinker do not love this for you friend
His person has cancer and surrendered the pup because treatment has made him too weak for caretaking, what a heartbreak and also I would maybe want to figure out staying in touch with the person??
Once again I am struggling with not just going to adopt a good Kitty-coded dog I saw online
bitching about data & society
all in all my life is probably for the better no longer being part of that org but being rendered disposable by that org really fucked with me in 2018 and contributed to a super-low point in my life where the suicidal ideation got really fucking bad, & seeing this news brought that all back up for me
bitching about data & society
also: someone who I considered a friend of mine is going to be a fellow doing research for the new initiative and while i don't fault them taking the money/affiliation, it feels shitty to not get a heads up about an org that made me feel disposable is going to announce a big new program in this area! it sucks to find this out via a "thrilled to announce", and makes me feel like I do not matter to you!
bitching about data & society
i recognize that my former employer is taking climate impacts of tech seriously now mainly b/c 1) it's trendy and 2) the person pushing it in the org has a PhD so they take her more seriously than they ever took me, but it still really stings to see everyone patting themselves on the back about something I couldn't get any traction on w/leadership 9 years ago
petty academia gripes
@rose_alibi knowing stuff sucks lol
petty academia gripes
like as someone who has also spun the silicon valley superfund yarn before, it's good to keep that history in the discourse AND ALSO if you're not adding anything new please cite the people who did this work already
petty academia gripes
watched some of a webinar of academics talking about labor and tech history and I know this sort of just demonstrates I've developed some expertise or whatever, but got so annoyed watching a presentation on the Silicon Valley superfund sites that was basically a recap of scholarship done in fucking 2002. you got a dissertation grant for this man? come on.
i know we all know this and yet
Exception: Matt Stoller being confused at what's happening, that guy is bad faith all the way down and is owed little to no grace