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watching an old video of bill clinton from a 1996 event and i know we do not gotta hand it to him but really disarmed to remember how well he understood the value of talking like a regular fucking person as a politician

so the company that spent one trillion dollars making "wrong mode" for computers is stressed because someone figured out how to make "wrong mode" for only one million dollars and the economy which is a casino is crashing and the world continues to burn

i know we all know this and yet 

"red states not getting federal aid heh heh" also qualifies in this genre, sorry

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i know we all know this and yet 

the smug "see how you like it" in the face of people suffering (eg "Trump is also bad on Palestine, take that ppl who called him 'Genocide Joe'") is so fucking corrosive on the soul and is pretty ineffective at coalition building, and I say this as someone with a long history of soul-corroding takes and tendencies

For a Ruthless Posting Through of Everything Existing

Google says it will change Gulf of Mexico to Gulf of America on Maps after "official government sources" are updated, after Trump signed an EO changing the name (Jennifer Elias/CNBC)

@gleick wow this take is disappointing to see from someone I really respect!

The egg is objectively both the funniest and the absolutely most devastating foodstuff to have its supply chain collapse in the first weeks of a fascist regime this week in sentences: baboon heart, daily in contraband, kind of impressive, beep-boop, coffin-dark, stubborn intuition, oysters instead, lonely sunfish, his resonance, Augustine and Aristotle, a stone thrown, incomparably strange

Thank goodness 

My sister watched I Saw The TV Glow and loved it

Wholesome overheard NYC part 2 

More saw than overheard: a guy on the F train with a very well behaved husky doing little nose boops and telling her how good she was being

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Wholesome overheard NYC 

Overhearing this older white Brooklyn guy opthalmologist speaking OK Spanish with a patient and then demonstrating a pretty impressive knowledge of Ecuadorian cities when she tells him she's Ecuadorian (he identified her hometown as the third largest city there). What a guy, this opthalmologist, contains multitudes

JASON STATHAM: This common ain't yours, mate

VILLAIN: who are you?

STATHAM: Me? I'm The Goose. And I'm stealing this common back


it is, indeed, worse than last time but I feel weirdly calm, similar to the calm I felt when lockdown started in 2020 of "oh, my personal anxiety and panic matches reality, weird"

My mom texted to let me know she's watch a documentary about the Mafia today as a protest gesture lol this week in sentences: nice Delta-Epsilon Proof, texture to a rotting body, add up to beans, live to your 30s, some Elektra, antiseptically, nice legal capitalism, boats down the Danube, weather I longed, polytheistic, fake gamer girl, less ambiguous

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.