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let's talk about gender on lensa! 

here's a comparison of "stylish" across the gender settings: other, male, female

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let's talk about gender on lensa! 

i dont think this gender essentializing is particularly surprisng to anyone. as mentioned by @kattiidenberg , the female setting is quite aggressive about adding large breasts and also earrings to images. it's silly and disappionting in an undergraduate 101 feminist theory seminar kind of way that in the year of our lord 2022 we have image platforms that apparently have been set to provide images of "fairy princesses" to girls and "rock stars" to boys.

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@kattiidenberg oh man, it's really into adding _large_ boobs and earrings for the female setting. i'm running one last set bc i realized i had used a slightly different seed set of images for my first "other" series, but then i will post some examples

let's talk about gender on lensa! 

i got "superhero" and "cyborg" for both my "other" and "male" avatar packs, but "fairy princess" only showed up in my "female" pack. "rock star" only showed up in the "male" pack, along with "astronaut." my "other" pack got "cyber scientist".

there were some persistent differences between the styles that were shared between categories. "Cosmic" for "female" looks very gaia-mystical-geometry-astro-goddess, while "cosmic" for "male" looks like Dr. Who.

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let's talk about gender on lensa! 

i ran a small experiment using the three different gender markers (male, female, and "other") on Lensa and the results were...interesting. the "female" setting had the most aggressive "photoshopping" or airbrushing or what i'm just going to call "weird interferance with the geometry of the face". it also was the only setting that removed my glasses from the final image for some styles ("fairy princesses" dont wear glasses i guess???).

@mattblaze following for more opinions, black and white photographs, and being referred to as a "reader"

oddletters boosted

new stickers are here, including this year's redesign for my research lab's logo (STRATLab)

how are people doing locked alts here? is that even a thing mastodon is set up to do?

@roseveleth i had some meetings with editors last weekend and i was like "well i used? to have? a couple thousand twitter followers?" and i do not know how promo for the new book is going to go

real big "to die would be a great adventure" vibe on the birdsite right now

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.