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As long as I’m in a listy mood, this language model that backspaces out of dead ends is interesting because:

1. It’s an example of something categorically less interesting than the pro-LLM camp is going to claim, and more interesting than the anti-LLM camp wants to talk about; that gap seems important.

2. It points toward the text diffusion models I keep trying to subtly warn people are probably coming without saying so explicitly, oops, backspace backspace backspace.

Back from vacation and attending to important chores such as averaging big stacks of images from webcams to see if they look neat.

The homebrew GNSS observatory continues to exceed expectations in both signal quality and silliness.

ML nonsense 

Went back and read the main DDPM paper to check for clues.

And found this spot on page 4 where they specifically say that what I put all that effort into trying is a bad idea.

So that’s neat.

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ML nonsense 

This hacky lightweight 4× super-resolver has learned that I want things to look sharp but not too sharp, so it sort of scatters edges around the image like spice in a sauce.

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Nodding every time the loss goes down, frowning every time it goes up, pursing my lips and making a note if it’s the same for two batches in a row.

To my great though trivial annoyance, their processing pipeline cuts off the limb. It does look great, though, as expected. This is from the 4/20 eclipse, which @dscovr_epic also got an excellent frame of. Link to a 30 megabyte 1 km/pixel version:

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Next time I write a CV it’s going to have a line like “I relish learning new datasets and working to make sense of them” but it’s going to be a lie because here we see longitude stored in radians:

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The cat loves to be skritched but hates to be touched, and so far the best solution is for me to “lick” her face with a paintbrush, but she has to sniff it suspiciously before each session, make it take its shoes off, remove all electronics from its bags, etc.

Kind of humbling to hold something in your hand, even just a chunk of cheap tea, that might last longer into the future than the Marvel movie timeline itself.

Can’t believe this absurdly puritanical interference with my artistic vision.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.