@lazyreader Truly.
@roseveleth @robinsonmeyer I’m looking at https://www.engineersedge.com/calculators/air-density.htm and around 15 °C, density seems to go up by almost half a % per 1 °C, and if we assume +2 °C on summer evenings, we have on average 1% less air per air these days, which passes a sniff test for me. You know, check my math, but.
@roseveleth @robinsonmeyer I don’t know from baseball and it is early April but like … this is already a thing in aviation, for example.
@urschrei I got an ORCID but I only kept it because it ends in X, because they use an ISBN-like checksum system that has 11 digits.
I have a question about this, and the question is: WWWHHHHHHHAAAATTT?! https://iopscience.iop.org/article/10.3847/2041-8213/acba86
@migurski 😌 we needed this
@doriantaylor Tangentially, have you seen @devezer’s work?
@ingrid (incidentally, making sure https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0016718523000714 is on your radar)
@ingrid (my new thing is I’m a guy who thinks video games are art but only if they’re in black and white)
@ingrid yeah but it’s in color so
@grantimatter Much better and much worse, thank you.
@tim enjoy
@maxfenton A flower I particularly appreciate is the dogwood, which it turns out is not even technically a flower! (At least the part I particularly appreciate isn’t.)
I would really appreciate a paleontologist telling me there’s a good reason this doesn’t make sense, because it messes with the way I look at flowers.
You ever, you know, think about how butterflies and moths evolved coiling proboscises roughly 200 million years ago in the Triassic when the dinosaurs were around, and they still like to drink the tears out of reptiles’ eyes, but flowers didn’t evolve until about 125 million years ago, so what if flowers evolved to look like eyes?
@meetar Wait, I forgot I was going to pin some stuff about megafauna on that. Dang. Okay, back to the drawing board. (It’s called that because you withdraw to it.)
@meetar I think I’m going to leave out most of the stuff about carbon dating. I’m worried it’s too relevant. “Wow, ease off on the topic”, people will say. “Let a little air in this thing.”
You know him on the internet. Eucalypt-adjacent; very occasional writer. Consulting and passively looking for work in geospatial, image processing, and related fields.