Many #Roman tiles with #children's footprints are known from all parts of the empire. But this is a special one, as it can be dated precisely due to the stamp: in 123 AD a #toddler stepped on the tile that laid out to dry before firing.
Found along the Via Appia, now in Museo Nazionale Romano -Terme di Diocleziano
Good month to be an aerosol.
I kid, but if you broke down how we do it now at a similar level of detail (which is subjective, granted), I think the diagram would be about as complex.
They don’t want you to know, but this is how it still works most of the time.
wow this is just quietly eviscerating, on all fronts:
@sgillies The more I think about it, the more I want to try this.
I appreciate a discussion among a bunch of people who are all, so to speak, capable of flying space shuttles, yet understand why not every interface should look like the space shuttle cockpit.
This paper is 5 years old but I just happened across it and have been talking it up to like four different friend groups because it’s so fun. I particularly enjoyed the retrograde klimarübe (you know, the rutabaga that represents an idealized continent for climate delineation purposes … you know).
Mikolajewicz et al. (2018): “The climate of a retrograde rotating Earth” –
@stephenjudkins Hah, got it: it was Food Fight!
@stephenjudkins Not knowing is going to bug me all day.
You know him on the internet. Eucalypt-adjacent; very occasional writer. Consulting and passively looking for work in geospatial, image processing, and related fields.