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how come you can add more -vvv to get more logging but you can't add more w's to www to get more website

A little unexpected good news: I spent 90 seconds looking into the thing in the news and it turns out it’s actually really good evidence of the veracity of an opinion I already had.

If I want to learn the basics of EE, maybe getting a ham license, what text should I use to get a solid grasp of the principles?

– I am generally familiar with software and specifically some signal processing. It’s the EM stuff I need to learn.

– Naturally a lot of this is best learned by doing. I’m asking about the parts best learned by reading.

– I can borderline pass a practice test for the lowest ham license today by bluffing and light memorization. But I want the actual knowledge.

The voice in my head that yells at me for being way off in the weeds on some detail v. the voice in my head that yells at me for not putting any explanations in the explanations.

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Trying to write narrative documentation and being alternately mortified by the ideas of under- and over-explaining.

As of yesterday, the Klamath River is flowing freely for the first time in a century (via press release in my inbox).

More info:

Back to school season means I have to pay some ridiculous fees to my grad program and money's tight so a gentle reminder I sell beautiful plotter drawings and they make nice gifts

What British people think Americans can’t understand: Rowan Atkinson saying “Your stupidity simply stuns, Baldrick, you sordid simpleton!” and then glancing at the camera as the audience laughs hysterically.

What Americans actually can’t understand: Roundabouts.

I would just like to assure everyone with a strong opinion about a huge, complex, social topic that you’re really close to winning everyone over if you can just post three or four more specific incidents that really demonstrate your argument. Those compelling examples of single things will finally prove the general case. Just point out a few more instances of someone wearing sandals winning a charity raffle or a bingo game and we’ll all believe sandals are lucky. Keep going! Almost there!

Longer post(s) to come after the morning school rush, but!

The Fediverse governance research @darius and I have been working on this year—with the absolutely central participation of so many wonderful Mastodon and Hometown server teams—is out:

A bad thing about social media is this pattern where a person with expertise starts rebutting bad ideas, and it’s great, but over time it primes them to see everyone who doesn’t hold exactly their opinions as part of a horde of goons with terrible ideas, because that’s who they end up interacting with.

Eventually their online persona is, like, Truth Gladiator. And that’s so much less interesting and important to me than Thoughtful Person With Useful Perspectives.

As a Blind person i never thought i would be on social media savoring photos. But the communal Mastodon alt text game is so strong that sweet, poetic or silly descriptions abound on my timeline. Thanks to legions of people who take time to write a meaningful description of the ephemera they post, i learn so much about insects, plants, buildings, memes — all dispatches from a dimension of the world that i otherwise wouldn't experience. If you're wondering whether anybody reads these things: YES.

What’s the surface spectral reflectance of the sun? I know it’s approximately a black body radiator, but clearly it doesn’t follow that it’s pure black. So what is it?

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.