buttondown.com/perfectsentence this week in sentences: syllables, ill-suited, a disease, interlocking ninth circles, fungi attack, lacking perhaps, the unjustifiable, HOLD A BLU-RAY, slouching, all known seamounts, larks and katydids, why the cello, poor saps

body horror 

I wonder how hard it'd be to talk if one's tongue was replaced with one of those tongue eating isopods

Friends, the offending molar has been removed from the premises

thinking about how much i love the Dog Faced Hermans

Le Guin’s advice—read when you cannot write, sleep when you cannot read—has been top of mind all week and I am intensely grateful.

Happy Nose Ember to the handful of folks who witnessed my internet peak

Judging from the light and the train off in the distance, it’s de Chirico o’clock

IRT 2, South Bronx, NYC (1979)
Photo: Danny Lyon / MoMA

buttondown.com/perfectsentence this week in sentences: except everything, building rn, burgers, theorists of all persuasions, putrescence, flicker

Subway thoughts: my first cinematic love was Speed Racer. The first auteur I was aware of was Chuck Jones.

buttondown.com/perfectsentence this week in sentences: PlayStation controller, of course, baja blast, likely stagger on, totally wasted, sinister magnificence, bruise of a story, guilt

Day 62. The skunk has not returned. I posted in missed connections but I suspect this is not an online skunk.

As a kid I always wondered who this Robert Moses could be. It wasn’t until I was in my 20’s that I discovered and read The Power Broker and learned what had really been going on behind the spectacle. The gulf between my childhood perception and the reality of the enormous machine he operated still staggers me.

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.