Times Square, New York City (1958)
Photo: unknown. Personal/private collection of Jan Wein / Flashbak.com

npr shitpost 

i don't think all things have been considered

going to c0stc0 with my parents in the suburbs is like watching someone do a fake stop motion slow walk while everything around them moves at hyper speed.

winter habitat 

As the weather turns colder, picnic tables tend to huddle together for warmth, usually around their favorite tree.

ripcorp.biz/episodes/2024-corp just under the wire please enjoy the annual 2024 Year In Corporate Deaths episode with Tim Hwang

sunset strip 

My new year’s resolution is whatever resolution this pic is.

My username (pronounced like quade or quaid, like ‘made in the shade’) comes from a nickname given to me by my boss when I worked for a carnival in the 1980’s

buttondown.com/perfectsentence this week in sentences: syllables, ill-suited, a disease, interlocking ninth circles, fungi attack, lacking perhaps, the unjustifiable, HOLD A BLU-RAY, slouching, all known seamounts, larks and katydids, why the cello, poor saps

body horror 

I wonder how hard it'd be to talk if one's tongue was replaced with one of those tongue eating isopods

Friends, the offending molar has been removed from the premises

thinking about how much i love the Dog Faced Hermans

Le Guin’s advice—read when you cannot write, sleep when you cannot read—has been top of mind all week and I am intensely grateful.

Happy Nose Ember to the handful of folks who witnessed my internet peak

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.