@fishsauce woof!! that's awful
Pretty sure Ebon Moss-Bachrach already owns his place in Brooklyn Heights but if he were in the market I bet he'd be charmed by our setup enough to let us stay
Ranking movie stars by probability they'll kick me out of my apartment when they buy out the building
in my mind the only potential buyers for my landlord's building were basically sentient hedge funds because who has 4.3 million dollars but I just remembered movie stars live in my neighborhood and honestly if I get forced out of my home by Margot Robbie or something during a strike that would at least be fucking hilarious
@jonhendry I saw! it is a huge relief, though still annoyed by the principle of the situation with my insurer
(belatedly bc the instance crashed yesterday)
https://buttondown.email/perfectsentences/archive/perfect-sentences-38/ this week in sentences: grasping, a $500 minivan, larvae, a debauched ghost, the kind of academic, actually existing, mutually contradictory
@pettter while I respect the guy and like a lot of his work I've been burned enough by high profile tech critic types who are lowkey much more interested in ripping people off for their own gain than building stuff up that I'm wary
I'm so annoyed that I used this term in an article on a now-shuittered publication before him (which he probably didn't see, to be fair, bc he'd have a better analysis if he had) and he's more famous than me so everyone is gonna run with his framing, lol
@quaad yeah more of a five-year plan than a get-out-of-this-building plan, but still a worthy thing to pursue imo!
(my landlord is selling our building, I am heartbroken, and my denial stage is basically pursuing an unhinged collective organizing project)
https://ripcorp.biz/episodes/rip-docs-the-vice-bankruptcy new spicy little RIP Corp! in which Katie Way (of the much-loved Hell Gate) and i talked about some of the weird details and unsolved mysteries within Vice's bankruptcy documents.
@rose_alibi @darius oh damn this would be a fun RIP Corp