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Thought I’d crossed off a longtime wishlist item from the used bin at the comic store. Realized I hadn't. So it goes.

My kid spit on her friend’s dad and I quietly/gently said that was a little too much and that was the end of any possibility for the day.

Not much, just looking up apoptosis visualization animations, why do you ask?

I gave a “three minute" talk on GTD today and managed to make a factorial error in a slide animation that caused it to turn into 49 slides, at which point I gave up, skipped to the end and told people:

- get an inbox you can reach
- make a list of projects and try to make it complete
- look at it at least once a week

Ok, so I got really mad someone sniped me with 5 seconds left and I whaled, but now I’ve hedged the complete-in-sealed-bags-but-without-a-box with a built-but-includes-box and am going to try to sell the sealed bags with the clean box as an open box to get the built one for a discount price and

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I mean, I *know* it’s mania, but why *wouldn’t* a person buy two Lego Sea Cows on ebay??

I saw the Dune(s) and cannot stop thinking about the Dune(s)

@berd Pardon me, but where did you settle on an aeropress alternative?

I have new gutters and they found the hole in the siding where probably some little bird likes to crawl into my wall and patched it. TBD if the bird was inside but it’s a darn nice day, so I’d wager it was out flying.

Literally no one destroys me as much as my own child, which I think is why I’m ready to reread Shakespeare

Wow the f1 essay is perfect. PDF that thing.

All I ever wanted was to make movies, but I learned HTML

7yo birthday party yesterday at a creative reuse place. 12 girls, no boys. I have never had insight into that before. They vibrated as a high-treble hive, gluing things to things. They made magic wands and turned each other into penguins and other animals. One girl shouted "kids rule" and another replied "because our Father is King, so we are all children, thus kids do rule this earth in these end of times."

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Horsin' Around

This is a hometown instance run by Sam and Ingrid, for some friends.